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Monmouth Telecom's e-mail service has been designed to solve the needs facing a small- or medium-sized business with tools to connect at the office, at home, or anywhere in the world.

Monmouth Telecom offers e-mail security at the enterprise-level: protection from viruses, spam, and/or image control.

Guidelines and Policies

Monmouth Telecom customers who have a full PPP Dial Up account receive four (4) additional email accounts.

The e-mail system is very easy to use. You create an account, we issue you a password, and within 1 hour, your new email address is ready to use. Also, if you get tired of using the same old address, just login, delete it, and create a new one, it's that simple.

  1. You control the creation and deletion of the e-mail accounts.
    Please allow 4 hours for your account to be created or for any changes you have made to take effect.
  2. Each e-mail account has a quota of 5 Megabytes of e-mail. If this quota is exceeded, your mailbox will be damaged and the address will need to be deleted and then re-created. You can do this from the e-mail console when you log in. (Monmouth Telecom reserves the right to remove and/or delete any mail account that has exceeded the 5 Megabyte quota.)
  3. The e-mail accounts are POP only and must be used with a POP3 compliant e-mail program such as, Thunderbird or Outlook Express. There is no shell access or dialup-up access with e-mail accounts.
  4. Your main account is unaffected by these free accounts and cannot be edited or changed in any way by using this system.
  5. Please remember that you are in control of these e-mail accounts so if there is a problem with one of them, you can change the password or delete the account and create a new one.
  6. Monmouth Telecom offers no Technical Support via telephone concerning this e-mail service, but will assist you with basic questions if you send an e-mail to
  7. The e-mail control panel is available at

Monmouth Telecom

Founded as an Internet Service Provider in NJ in 1995, Monmouth Telecom has grown to offer a complete set of innovative and economical Business VoIP Phone Services and Business Internet Services.  We were NJ's first Internet Service Provider turned Telephone Company in 2000 and in 2006 we began providing businesses with increased functionality using VoIP. Learn more about Who We Are and how Hosted PBX / Virtual PBX is changing the face of business telephone service.

Contact Us

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Customer Service

Technical Support
Primary:     732-704-9000
Secondary: 732-704-1400

Full Contact Information



10 Drs James Parker Blvd
Suite 110
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Key Data/Switching Facilities

12 N 7th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

165 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 07102

423 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

18 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

95 William St.
Newark, NJ 07102

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